Quotes from Barbara Kingsolver
I suppose it is in our nature," she said finally. "When men fear the loss of what they know, they will follow any tyrant who promises to restore the old order." "If that is our nature, then nature is madness.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Like the saying goes: They passed out the brains, he thought they said trains and he missed his.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Whole phases of her children's lives, these passions that had seemed to be their purest marrow, had faded away one after another. And character persisted.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Golden children ran wild over a field of dead great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and the bones must have wanted to rise up and knock together and rattle with joy. I have never seen a town that gave so much—so much of what counts—to its children. More than anything else I wished I belonged to one of these living, celebrated families, lush as plants, with bones in the ground for roots. I wanted pollen on my cheeks and one of those calcium ancestors to decorate as my own.
- Barbara Kingsolver
He doesn't even look at her because there is too much there, and he's afraid. She is his first child, his favorite, every mistake he ever made.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Oh, it's a fine and useless enterprise, trying to fix destiny. That trail leads straight back to the time before we ever lived, and into that deep well it's easy to cast curses like stones on our ancestors. But that's nothing more than cursing ourselves and all that made us. Had I not married a preacher named Nathan Price, my particular children would never have seen the light of this world. I walked through the valley of my fate, is all, and learned to love what I could lose
- Barbara Kingsolver
Eating home-cooked meals from whole, in-season ingredients obtained from the most local source available is eating well, in every sense. Good for the habitat, good for the body.
- Barbara Kingsolver
A wife had greater wants, naturally, and could do nothing to help her own situation.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Recently it has been decided, grudgingly, that dark skin or lameness may not be entirely one's fault, but one still ought to show the good manners to act ashamed.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Her mark on history: the female acquaintance.
- Barbara Kingsolver
July being God's month.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Even a language won't stand still.
- Barbara Kingsolver