Quotes from Mark Clark
Many people assume that being a Christian means you follow all the rules and have your life together. They assume that "Christian" equals "good person"—when the opposite is true. The gospel is not about what we can do for God (good advice), but what God has done for us (good news). Jesus lived a perfect life precisely because we can't.
- Mark Clark
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, and Brown all began as Christian institutions
- Mark Clark
All of the problems of heaven and earth, though they were to confront us together and at once, would be nothing compared with the overwhelming problem of God: That He is; what He is like; and what we as moral beings must do about Him. A. W. TOZER, THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY
- Mark Clark
Judge not, by the extent of one's wealth, but by the means used to obtain it.
- Mark Clark
Our faith doesn't magically make our assumptions about Jesus and the Bible true. Faith can't turn a falsehood into truth. Rightly understood, it's not a blind belief in the unbelievable; it's a rational belief based on a preponderance of evidence.
- Mark Clark
Now that Jesus has come and completed his work, he has made all things clean. The rules have changed. Evolved.
- Mark Clark
Don't walk away at the first sign of a contradiction or a problem. Sometimes scientific study needs to play catch-up to the Bible.
- Mark Clark
If you're going to make up stories about miracles and events that you are claiming really happened, you have to wait until all the eyewitnesses are dead and gone.
- Mark Clark
How often have we turned on the television and heard the host say, "Tonight we will be talking about faith versus science. Our first guest is a former University of Oxford professor, evolutionary biologist, and bestselling author. He believes that science, not faith, holds the answers to all questions. On the other side of the aisle we have Joe Smith, who will speak for the legitimacy of faith and Christianity. Joe homeschools his kids, thinks Oprah is the Antichrist,
- Mark Clark