Quotes from Dan Boone
But when our faith causes us to check our brains at the door, we have fallen far from the God who gave us the capacity for reason.
- Dan Boone
If the cause is worthy the cost is irrelevant!
- Dan Boone
For us to close our mind to scientific reasoning without using our best critical thinking is to refuse to use our God-given capacity for understanding.
- Dan Boone
To defend a favorite worship style is to misunderstand worship at its core. Worship is about God. If our worship is about our favorite style, it is not about God—it is about us.
- Dan Boone
The church, for far too long, has been more interested in its seating capacity than in its sending capacity.
- Dan Boone
If the holy conversation, a generous discourse, is to occur, the labeling must cease. We are not dealing with labels, we are talking to people.
- Dan Boone
Self-deceived religious people may be the most dangerous people in the world, because they are convinced that their cause is of God and their victory endorsed by God.
- Dan Boone
The kingdom of God cannot be co-opted. It cannot be subsumed by a political party and loses its soul if it seeks to identify with one.
- Dan Boone
But I do not believe that Scripture was meant to be used as a conversation stopper. God seems to invite our questions, our doubts, and our wonderings.
- Dan Boone
There is a way to speak the truth in love, treating people with respect. But if being liked is the goal of the preacher, the speech is more likely to be grandstanding than world-shaking.
- Dan Boone
True worship is the fellowship of the Father who sends the Son who gives the Spirit.
- Dan Boone
Our business is not enemy making but enemy loving. Our business is not dividing the country into blue and red states, but being a people of one accord. Our business is not securing the power to rule, but doing justice, showing mercy, and walking humbly with our God.
- Dan Boone