Quotes from JM Coetzee
When death cuts all other links, there remains the name. Baptism: the union of a soul with a name, the name it will carry into eternity.
- JM Coetzee
Two names on the page, his and hers, side by side. Two in a bed, lovers no longer but foes.
- JM Coetzee
Lucy was frightened, frightened near to death. Her voice choked, she could not breath, her limbs went numb. This is not happening, she said to herself as the men forced her down; it is just a dream, a nightmare. While the men, for their part, drank up her fear, revelled in it, did all they could to hurt her, to menace her, to heighten her terror. Call your dogs! they said to her. Go on, call your dogs! No dogs? Then let us show you dogs!
- JM Coetzee
You will believe me when I say the life we lead grows less and less distinct from the life we led of Cruso's island. Sometimes I wake up not knowing where I am. The world is full of islands, said Cruso once. His words ring truer every day.
- JM Coetzee
Pain is nothing, just a warning signal from the body to the brain. Pain is no more the real thing than an X-ray photograph is the real thing. Biut of course he is wrong.
- JM Coetzee
If I were pressed to give my brand of political thought a label, I would call it pessimistic anarchistic quietism, or anarchistic quietistic pessimism or pessimistic quietistic anarchism: anarchism because experience tells me that what is wrong with politics is power itself; quietism because I have my doubts about the will to set about changing the world, a will infected with the drive to power; and pessimism because I am sceptical that, in a fundamental way, things can be changed.
- JM Coetzee
Technically he is old enough to be her father; but then, technically one can be a father at twelve.
- JM Coetzee
The path that leads through Latin and alebra is not the path to material success. But it may suggest much more: that understanding things is a waste of time; that if you want to succeed in the world and have a happy family and a nice home and a BMW you should not try to understand things but just add up the numbers or press the buttons or do whatever else it is that marketers are so richly rewarded for doing.
- JM Coetzee
Women's beauty doesn't belong to the women herself. She's the part of treasure, which she brings into the world. It's her duty to share it.
- JM Coetzee
The filth of village; honestly acquired.
- JM Coetzee
The reason is that as far as I am concerned, what happened to me is a purely private matter. In another time, in another place it might be held to be a public matter. But in this place, in this time, it is not. It is my bussines, mine alone. 'This place being what?' 'This place being South Africa
- JM Coetzee
We partake of the ideal but we also make poo.
- JM Coetzee