Quotes from Lisa Wingate
Perhaps this rebirth from one thing to another happens repeatedly in a lifetime. Maybe life is a series of little deaths and rebirths, of passages and rites of passage, of God teaching you to stop clinging to one thing so you can reach for another.
- Lisa Wingate
I wanted to write it on paper and fold it up in a box to remind myself, the next time I couldn't see anything but mountains ahead, that where there's a mountain, there's always a river flowing nearby. Ultimately the river is the more powerful of the two.
- Lisa Wingate
There is so much good. So much grace. So much pouring into the river. A quiet water, this river of grace. Its work done in ways that do not seek attention. Yet it is there. Always there. A
- Lisa Wingate
quit fighting the sails and let the wind move the boat-drift on faith for a while.
- Lisa Wingate
no matter how many wrong choices we've made in the past, we can always decide to make the right ones today. The past need not determine one moment of the future. The
- Lisa Wingate
Other people's judgment doesn't have any power unless you offer yourself up for trial, so don't." Zoey
- Lisa Wingate
Healthy and democratic process. If one cannot make one's point without yelling, name-calling, or insulting others, one should develop a stronger argument before speaking further.
- Lisa Wingate
Help them to show the world that our greatness is not in things we do for ourselves, but in things we do for others. In power that channels itself into kindness, in a hand outstretched in love. Be with
- Lisa Wingate
Every living creature needs to hear the beating of another heart once in a while." Her words were quiet, almost as if she were only thinking them, not speaking at all. "Nothing God made on this earth is meant to go on its way alone.
- Lisa Wingate
Eventually, you must stop running to something or from something and embrace where you are. Otherwise you'll never embrace anything.
- Lisa Wingate
The secret to a happy life is not in getting what you want. It is in learning to want what you get. Don't waste your time crying over what you're not given. When you have tears in your eyes, you can't see all the beautiful things around you.
- Lisa Wingate
I think of an old sermon my grandfather quoted from time to time— something about not looking back when you're plowing a field, but instead finding a mark in the distance and focusing on that. Otherwise, the rows won't come out straight.
- Lisa Wingate