Quotes from Lisa Wingate
If we never take a chance on people, we'll never know.
- Lisa Wingate
But sometimes it's the things that require a leap of faith that we need to believe in most of all.
- Lisa Wingate
Don't borrow trouble from round the bend,
- Lisa Wingate
One of the secrets to life, Epiphany, is to find your gifts and focus on those. Leave your liabilities in the dust of the road not taken. The world is an imperfect place. Everyone struggles. Successful people see trials as growth experiences, rather than stumbling blocks. You have everything you need for success. You're a beautiful young woman, and you're strong, and you have a clever mind. If you let anyone convince you otherwise, you steal from yourself.
- Lisa Wingate
Every decision you make in life has benefits and consequences. Sometimes you just have to go on faith, and even that comes at a price. It means you have to give up the idea that you're the one in charge of the universe.
- Lisa Wingate
What we cannot change, we must endure without bitterness. Sometimes we must try to view the actions of those around us with forgiveness. We must realize that they are going on the only road they can see. Sometimes we cannot raise our chins and see eye to eye, so we must bow our heads and have faith in one another.
- Lisa Wingate
Pride and resentment do not create bread that will rise. Bread, like a good life, can only be created by honest measure, patience, warmth, and time.
- Lisa Wingate
Be patient, Katie. Everything doesn't have to work itself out today.
- Lisa Wingate
I want them to see that there is no faster way to change your circumstance than to open a great book.
- Lisa Wingate
decision you make in life has benefits and consequences. Sometimes you just have to go on faith, and even that comes at a price. It means you have to give up the idea that you're the one in charge of the universe.
- Lisa Wingate
The most important skill in life is to learn the acceptance of that which you have not planned for yourself.
- Lisa Wingate
You know how it is. The storms come and it's water and wind as far as the eye can see for a bit. But winds calm and the waters drain. We find our feet again, and the ground under us sprouts a new crop of seed. That is always the way of it. I don't suppose this storm will be any different.
- Lisa Wingate