Quotes from Lisa Wingate
All you need do is ask, Jennia Beth Gibbs. No sense making a thief of yourself, now is there? You keep it . . . and remember that no matter how many wrong choices we've made in the past, we can always decide to make the right ones today. The past need not determine one moment of the future.
- Lisa Wingate
I loved each of them dearly. One was a teacher, one was a preacher, and the last was an artist who found his calling later in life. One taught me to think, one taught me to know, and one taught me to see. Each inspired me.
- Lisa Wingate
One of the best things a father can do for his daughter is let her know thats she has met his expectations.
- Lisa Wingate
Every time you mourn for me, I'll be far away. But when you celebrate, I'll be right there with you, dancing.
- Lisa Wingate
When I listened to the lady telling her story, I could relate to not being welcome someplace. I liked the idea that God might take that very thing that stunk the worst about your life and change it around into something good.
- Lisa Wingate
She looked around the room then, and her eyes got misty, and she said we kids oughta remember there was a time when some folks had it a lot harder than others. I couldn't see how things were so different now.
- Lisa Wingate
Sometimes we must try to view the actions of those around us with forgiveness. We must realize that they are going on the only road they can see.
- Lisa Wingate
The secret to a happy life is not in getting what you want. It is in learning to want what you get
- Lisa Wingate
May your names never go unspoken and your stories forever be told.
- Lisa Wingate
Did the dead still want things? Or was death simply a letting go of all that is held so tightly in lifeāan understanding of the temporal and shallow nature of the human matters of possession, greed, desire, justice?
- Lisa Wingate
Your children are the greatest gift God will give to you and their souls the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands. When you are old, nothing else you've done will have mattered as much.
- Lisa Wingate
May comments, "We're always trying to persuade ourselves of things." Are
- Lisa Wingate