Quotes from Lisa Wingate
I am transported to the time before the War between the States, a time that is bred into our awareness as Southerners, yet most often lauded as a day of grace and grandeur. Mr. Bass Carter causes me to wonder . . . how different is that history when seen from the fields and the lowly slave cabins?
- Lisa Wingate
It's fixin' to come a toad strangler,
- Lisa Wingate
chance on foreign territory.
- Lisa Wingate
Perhaps this rebirth from one thing to another happens repeatedly in a lifetime. Maybe life is a series of little deaths and rebirths, of passages and rites of passage, of God teaching you to stop clinging to one thing so you can reach for another. A death grip doesn't reach very well.
- Lisa Wingate
The love of sisters needs no words. It does not depend on memories, or mementos, or proof. It runs as deep as a heartbeat. It is as ever present as a pulse.
- Lisa Wingate
There's something magical about that time when your babies are small, when you're the center of their world, the person they love the most.
- Lisa Wingate
the best things a father can do for his daughter is let
- Lisa Wingate
One of the best things a father can do for his daughter is let her know that she has met
- Lisa Wingate
I don't want someone who's just with me until things get a little too difficult, or something better comes along, or marriage isn't as much fun as it used to be. I want the real thing-for better or worse, rich, poor, sickness, health, forever and ever, amen.
- Lisa Wingate
That's how the grievin' becomes after a time. You've tossed off the black blanket, but scraps of it fall on you unexpected, your life always a quilt with a dark patch or two. The Good Lord uses those to show off the bright colors, I think.
- Lisa Wingate
The heart is a wellspring. It has infinite capacity to manufacture love. The only barriers are the ones we put in the way.
- Lisa Wingate
Well, that's the problem with postulatin', Hannibal. Brings up trouble that ain't happened yet and likely won't ever. Why bother with it?
- Lisa Wingate