Quotes from Lisa Wingate
Sometimes you need that soft place to fall. That's your family, your faith. The stuff that doesn't change when everything else does.
- Lisa Wingate
We can never really know, except in hindsight, how prayers will be answered.
- Lisa Wingate
Nothing takes you from thirty years old to thirteen faster than your mother's voice rebounding up the stairs like a tennis ball after a forehand slice.
- Lisa Wingate
Living, really living, wasn't about clinging to control but about giving it away.
- Lisa Wingate
We are His children, each knit together as we should be. We must go by the name our Father has given us. Beloved.
- Lisa Wingate
Do we carry the guilt from the sins of past generations? If so, can we bear the weight of that burden? Trent
- Lisa Wingate
A woman's past need not predict her future. She can dance to new music if she chooses. Her own music. To hear the tune, she must only stop talking. To herself, I mean. We're always trying to persuade ourselves of things." I'm struck by the profoundness
- Lisa Wingate
The sweetness of his longing dives to a tender, bruised place in me.
- Lisa Wingate
We all have scars. It's when you're honest about them that you find the people who will love you in spite of your nicks and dents. Perhaps even because of them. The people who don't? Those people aren't the ones for you.
- Lisa Wingate
Ever'body got story. Ever'body got a reason for what they do. You eat off somebody else's plate, drink a their cup, could be, you'd be the same way.
- Lisa Wingate
Father, help these young people to see. Help them to show the world that our greatness is not in things we do for ourselves, but in things we do for others.
- Lisa Wingate
Tough times make good people and bad people.
- Lisa Wingate