Quotes from Lisa Wingate
I cannot put words to the feelings within me on the day we brought her out for burial. It is an odd thing to stand so close to life's beginning and life's end. Birth and death are such strange cousins. We carried my mother to the graveyard, shed tears and sang hymns, then returned home, stood over the cradle, smiled, and sang lullabies. . . .
- Lisa Wingate
All things pass, suga' pea. All the things a this worl' got a time for bornin' and time for dyin', and a time for troublin' and a time for restin'. Ssshhh
- Lisa Wingate
One of the best things a father can do for his daughter is let her know that she has met his expectations
- Lisa Wingate
What we cannot change, we must endure without bitterness.
- Lisa Wingate
The rainbows of life come after the storms.
- Lisa Wingate
But you just keep wagging your pricey manicure and that horse-choking diamond bracelet at me. That helps make it all seem so much more right.
- Lisa Wingate
How wonderful the days when all was well. How necessary, also, that we must release them now. It is fine enough to glance at the past, but one must never focus there overlong. Don't you think?
- Lisa Wingate
What the mind don't 'member, the heart still know. Love, the strongest thang of all.
- Lisa Wingate
It's those little nicks and dents and imperfections of spirit that allow us to flow out into a thirsty world. It's our scars that allow us to relate to the scars of others, our suffering that connects us to others who suffer.
- Lisa Wingate
You can dress a toad in lace, but the minute you let it go, it'll still poop on your porch.
- Lisa Wingate
It occurred to me that I should do more for other people. I never once considered that there were people just down the road who cannot afford proper clothing, or care for their children.
- Lisa Wingate
Well, that's one of the paradoxes of life. You can't have it all. You can have some of this and some of that or all of this and none of that. We make the trade-offs we think are best at the time
- Lisa Wingate