Quotes from Perry Stone
God places tools of faith and objects of faith in our lives to encourage us to continue believing the promises.
- Perry Stone
They have possessions without power, wealth without true worship, and prosperity without God's presence!
- Perry Stone
When your eyes are on prosperity, they are moved away from the parousia, a Greek word for the Lord's coming
- Perry Stone
Using your resources to help spread the gospel ensures both an earthly blessing and a heavenly reward
- Perry Stone
The imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth." — GENESIS 8:21
- Perry Stone
Then my anger shall be aroused against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured." — DEUTERONOMY 31:17
- Perry Stone
When the flood had ended, the Ark rested on Mount Ararat (Gen. 8:4). The date is given as the seventh month and the seventeenth day of the month (Gen. 8:4). This date is important because, beginning at Tishri, the seventh month would be Nisan, also known as Aviv. The seventeenth day would be the same day Messiah would be resurrected. He was crucified on the day of preparation (fourteenth of Aviv) and arose three days later!
- Perry Stone
When God's Spirit moves mightily, there will be shouting, rejoicing and holy noise.
- Perry Stone
The enemy. As long as we never expose what he is doing, he will work in the darkness.
- Perry Stone
In the Holy of Holies is the BEST of God's presence!
- Perry Stone
Pruning includes purging the wrong thinking, the negative attitudes, and the wrong people that surround you.
- Perry Stone
A selfish person will never learn the joy of giving and being a blessing to others.
- Perry Stone