Quotes from Perry Stone
It is time that you stand on the only thing that can never be shaken or changed. Stand upon my Word!
- Perry Stone
Your greatest enemy to conquer is that of practicing a lifestyle of sin.
- Perry Stone
The presence of God is not a burden to bear!
- Perry Stone
the loin girdle of truth the breastplate of righteousness shoes of the gospel of peace the shield-of faith the helmet of salvation the sword of the Spirit
- Perry Stone
True Gospel ministry is not a party, but a battle for souls.
- Perry Stone
We must remember that more is accomplished with the favor of God than with the favor of man.
- Perry Stone
Prophetic ministers and believers in Christ's return are continually mocked as doom and gloom prognosticators whose messages only spread fear and anxiety.
- Perry Stone
if the enemy goes undetected and is not exposed, he will gain the advantage by default.
- Perry Stone
We must work the system without allowing the system to corrupt us.
- Perry Stone
Guilt will paralyze your confidence in your own prayers
- Perry Stone
Spirits are generally invisible, and therefore not easily detected. They are crafty and sly in their approach.
- Perry Stone
Fear will paralyze your confidence in God's willingness to be your provider and answer your prayers.
- Perry Stone