Quotes from Perry Stone
Just as leaven in bread will cause it to rise, the words and actions of others will cause their bad seed to produce weeds instead of fruit.
- Perry Stone
We must cut through the veils and enter worship in spirit and truth.
- Perry Stone
Weeds choke the life out of anything good that might grow.
- Perry Stone
Many people today are too bold to speak against men and women who are anointed of God.
- Perry Stone
In this reset, the Media Mongols and Tech Giants work in cooperation with the new global agenda. These companies stand to financially benefit as they control computers, search engines, and the information highway, being globally linked, controlling all news and propaganda in every nation. They see billions of dollars being made in a one-world government.
- Perry Stone
A revival is God breathing fresh life upon dry bones!
- Perry Stone
If you have the attention of the enemy, you also have the attention of God.
- Perry Stone
I learned that if the battle is great, the blessing will be greater!
- Perry Stone
According to the Hill article, those heading up the Great Reset must follow the policies of "American Socialists" such as Senators Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and initiate the multi-trillion-dollar New Green Deal. It was the economic shutdowns during the virus that served as the motivation for this new order. The main purpose behind this radical agenda is to save the planet due to Climate Change.
- Perry Stone
If God is with you, who can be against you?
- Perry Stone
Blessed is he who is skilled with the sword. It will keep him from falling.
- Perry Stone
Part of our motivation in life is having a future that we can look forward to. Your future is summed up in your dreams and visions: dreams of what can be and visions of what will be. Your vision is what you see before you actually see it. Your passion is what you feel that motivates you to pursue the vision or dream. When a person has no vision or passion, he or she will have a boring existence. With a vision but no passion a person will eventually lose energy to pursue their dream.
- Perry Stone