Quotes from John Calvin
No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keepeth us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief.
- John Calvin
The blindness of unbelievers in no way detracts from the clarity of the gospel; the sun is no less bright because blind men do not perceive its light.
- John Calvin
Unless God's Word illumine the way, the whole life of men is wrapped in darkness and mist, so that they cannot but miserably stray.
- John Calvin
The grace of God has no charms for men till the Holy Spirit gives them a taste for it.
- John Calvin
To make intercession for men is the most powerful and practical way in which we can express our love for them.
- John Calvin
A man that extols himself is a fool and an idiot.
- John Calvin
The Scriptures obtain full authority among believers only when men regard them as having sprung from heaven, as if there the living words of God were heard.
- John Calvin
Where God's Spirit does not reign, there is no humility, and men ever swell with inward pride.
- John Calvin
The subject then of these chapters may be stated thus, - man's only righteousness is through the mercy of God in Christ, which being offered by the Gospel is apprehended by faith.
- John Calvin
Prosperity inebriates men, so that they take delights in their own merits.
- John Calvin
It is certain that man never achieves a clear knowledge of himself unless he has first looked upon God's face, and then descends from contemplating him to scrutinize himself.
- John Calvin
There is no work, however vile or sordid, that does not glisten before God.
- John Calvin