Quotes from John Calvin
Moreover, in the passages we have already quoted, the angels of children are said to behold the face of God, to defend us by their protection, to rejoice in our salvation, to admire the manifold grace of God in the Church, to be under Christ their head.
- John Calvin
It is evident from this that people rage against Christ himself when they raise a hue and cry upon hearing that by the will of God some are freely chosen and others are rejected; they do it because they cannot bear to let God have his way.
- John Calvin
For the more we are afflicted by adversities, the more surely our fellowship with Christ is confirmed!
- John Calvin
Without Christ, on the other hand, the whole world is a shapeless chaos and frightful confusion. We
- John Calvin
So long as we do not look beyond the earth, we are quite pleased with our own righteousness, wisdom, and virtue; we address ourselves in the most flattering terms, and seem only less than demigods.
- John Calvin
Anyone, therefore, who obscures the glory of God, puts himself in the position of striving to subvert the eternal purpose of God.
- John Calvin
But we must so cherish moderation that we do not try to make God render account to us, but so reverence his secret judgments as to consider his will the truly just cause of all things.
- John Calvin
For nothing is more dangerous than to live where the public license of crime prevails; yea, there is no pestilence so destructive, as that corruption of morals, which is opposed neither by laws nor judgments, nor any other remedies.
- John Calvin
As far as pertains to those secret promptings we are discussing, Solomon's statement that the heart of a king is turned about hither and thither at God's pleasure [Prov. 21:1] certainly extends to all the human race, and carries as much weight as if he had said: "Whatever we conceive of in our minds is directed to his own end by God's secret inspiration."
- John Calvin
For though our eyes, in what direction soever they turn, are forced to behold the works of God, we see how fleeting our attention is, and holy quickly pious thoughts, if any arise, vanish away.
- John Calvin
We should not fill ourselves with hopes which, being empty of God's Word, are like so much wind.
- John Calvin
O grant, that in the trials by which we must be daily exercised, we may raise upwards our minds to thee, and never cease to think that thou art near us;
- John Calvin