Quotes from John Calvin
It is certain that not one drop of rain falls without God's sure command.
- John Calvin
If we are proud of our talents we betray our lack of gratitude to God.
- John Calvin
Nobody seriously believes the universe was made by God without being persuaded that He takes care of His works.
- John Calvin
It behooves us to accomplish what God requires of us, even when we are in the greatest despair respecting the results.
- John Calvin
Creatures are so governed by the secret counsel of God, that nothing happens but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed.
- John Calvin
Let us fall before the majesty of our great God, acknowledging our faults, and praying that he will make us ever more conscious of them.
- John Calvin
But a faithful believer will in all circumstances mediate on the mercy and fatherly goodness of God.
- John Calvin
In knowing God, each of us also knows himself.
- John Calvin
The principle exercise which the children of god have is to pray. For in this way they give true proof of their faith.
- John Calvin
A soul, therefore, when deprived of the Word of God, is given up unarmed to the devil for destruction
- John Calvin
Moreover, a true Christian will not ascribe any prosperity to his own diligence, industry, or good fortune, but he will acknowledge that God is the author of it.
- John Calvin
Prayers belong strictly to the worship of God. Fasting is a subordinate aid, which is pleasing to God no farther than as it aids the earnestness and fervency of prayer.
- John Calvin