Quotes from John Calvin
Hypocrisy can plunge the mind of a man into a dark abyss, when he believes his own self-flattery instead of God's verdict.
- John Calvin
They who prematurely put themselves forward to root out whatever is displeasing to them overthrow the judgment of God and rashly intrude upon the office of angels.
- John Calvin
We unjustly defraud God of his right, unless each of us lives and dies in dependence on His sovereign pleasure.
- John Calvin
God does not bestow his spirit on his people in order to set aside the use of his word, but rather to render it fruitful.
- John Calvin
It is only the goodness of God sensibly experienced by us which opens our mouth to celebrate His praise.
- John Calvin
God orders what we cannot do, that we may know what we ought to ask him.
- John Calvin
When pain and suffering strike, our faith is well founded if it is standing on the promises of God. For all of God's promises have strong confirmation in Christ.
- John Calvin
All the arts come from God and are to be respected as divine inventions
- John Calvin
For it is better, with closed eyes, to follow God as our guide, than, by relying on our own prudence, to wander through those circuitous paths which it devises for us.
- John Calvin
We are surrounded by God's benefits. The best use of these benefits is an unceasing expression of gratitude.
- John Calvin
Concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, we must also be aware that he is our Advocate, and that without him we cannot approach God.
- John Calvin
The church is the gathering of God's children, where they can be helped and fed like babies and then guided by her motherly care, grow up to manhood in maturity of faith.
- John Calvin