Quotes from John Calvin
When that which professes to be the Word of God is acknowledged to be so, no person, unless devoid of common sense and the feelings of a man, will have the desperate hardihood to refuse credit to the speaker.
- John Calvin
The intention of Scripture is to exercise our faith, that we may know we are protected by God's hand, and that we may not be subject to harm from Satan and wicked men. . .
- John Calvin
That the covetous wants that which he has, as well as that which he has not; because he is master of nothing, and is the slave of his own wealth.
- John Calvin
that there is nothing put forth in Scripture which it is not profitable to know.
- John Calvin
luxury generally prevails in prosperity, and wastes the blessings of God
- John Calvin
Having once adopted us and enlightened our minds by his Word, he keeps the torch of the Word blazing before our eyes, that we may in faith keep our minds upon the judgment and punishment of evil which the impious confidently ignore.
- John Calvin
For unquestionably nothing is more opposed to the law of God than sects, for in it is communicated the truth of God, which is the bond of unity.
- John Calvin
God very commonly takes on the character of a husband to us. Indeed, the union by which he binds us to himself when he receives us into the bosom of the church is like sacred wedlock.
- John Calvin
he refers rather to their adoption because God's grace is the more striking when he out of all mankind chooses some few to be his own people.
- John Calvin
Although brethren die for brethren, yet no martyr's blood is shed for the remission of sins: this Christ did for us, and in this conferred upon us not what we should imitate, but what should make us grateful," (August. Tract. in Joann. 84).
- John Calvin
For how can some idea of God come into your mind without your immediately thinking (since you are His creation) that by the right of creation you are subject to His rule? That your life ought to be devoted to His service? That all that you plan or say or do should be related to Him? If this is so, it clearly follows that your life is wickedly corrupt unless it is ruled in obedience to His holy will.
- John Calvin
But if Abram bore his continual wanderings patiently, our fastidiousness is utterly inexcusable, when we murmur against God, if he does not grant us a quiet nest.
- John Calvin