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Quotes from John Calvin

The worship of God is…the only thing which renders men superior to brutes, and makes them aspire to immortality.
- John Calvin
For he has this comfort, which provides greater security to him than the highest peak of wealth or power— he knows that his affairs are ordered by the Lord and, as such, promote his salvation. We see this sentiment in David, who, while following God and entrusting himself to God's rule, declared: "I do not occupy myself with things too great and marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother" (Ps. 131:1—2).
- John Calvin
It was in olden times truly observed by Cato, that there is great concern about the appearance of the body but great carelessness about virtue. There is also an old proverb, that they who pay much attention to the body generally neglect the soul.
- John Calvin
We should learn that there is no light in the law, or even in the whole Word of God, without Christ who is the Sun of Righteousness.
- John Calvin
The characteristic of a true sovereign is, to acknowledge that, in the administration of his kingdom, he is a minister of God. He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber.
- John Calvin
Let us remember that while life is promised in Christ to all who believe, only a small part of the people are believers.
- John Calvin
For very few persons are concerned about the way that leads to heaven, but all are anxious to know, before the time, what passes there.
- John Calvin
Anyone who cannot bear to lay hold of God as he comes down to him will still less soar up to him beyond the clouds.
- John Calvin
Let, therefore, everyone who has shared in all the benefits which Christ has conferred upon us know that his whole life ought to conform to the death of Christ.
- John Calvin
I have told you that it is I. Here we see how the Son of God not only submits to death of his own accord, that by his obedience he may blot out our transgressions, but also how he discharges the office of a good Shepherd in protecting his flock.
- John Calvin
Adam did not take away the will, but made it a slave where it was free. It is not only prone to sin, but is made subject to sin.
- John Calvin
All have been blind to the light, deaf to admonitions, and hardened against the commandments.
- John Calvin