Quotes from John Calvin
As age and weakness grew upon him, so he hastened his labour; and, according to his petition to God, he in manner ended his life with his work, for he lived not long after.
- John Calvin
if men are only naturally taught, instead of having any distinct, solid, or certain knowledge, they fasten only on contradictory principles, and, in consequence, worship an unknown God.
- John Calvin
On the other hand, it is evident that man never attains to a true self-knowledge until he have previously contemplated the face of God, and come down after such contemplation to look into himself.
- John Calvin
In the school of Christ, men are not merely taught about justification; they are made just by what he has done for them.
- John Calvin
It is no small evil to quench the light of the Gospel, to lay a snare for consciences, and to remove the distinction between the Old and New Testaments.
- John Calvin
The sins of the saints are pardonable, not because of their nature as saints, but because they obtain pardon from God's mercy.
- John Calvin
Were we ordered to make a temple of wood and stone to the Spirit, inasmuch as such worship is due to God alone, it would be a clear proof of the Spirit's divinity; how much clearer a proof in that we are not to make a temple to him, but to be ourselves that temple.
- John Calvin
Let those who have abundance remember that they are surrounded with thorns, and let them take great care not to be pricked by them; and let those who have little and are very much hemmed in know that God planned [their poverty] to keep them from evil and hurtful snares.
- John Calvin
Man's disposition voluntarily so inclines to falsehood that he more quickly derives error from one word than truth from a wordy discourse.
- John Calvin
It follows that we pray rightly only when we come to God trusting in the Mediator.
- John Calvin
But the nimbleness of the human mind in searching out heaven and earth and the secrets of nature, and when all ages have been compassed by its understanding and memory, in arranging each thing in its proper order, and in inferring future events from past, clearly shows that there lies hidden in man something separate from the body.
- John Calvin
It is one of the tricks of Satan to defraud godly ministers of support, that the Church may be deprived of such ministers.
- John Calvin