Quotes from John Calvin
However much the devil and wicked men may rage, however much they boil with their own unrestrained anger, there is no doubt that God checks and curbs their madness with a hidden bridle.
- John Calvin
The will of God is the rule of righteousness; whatever does not agree with his will is unrighteous; and if unrighteous, it is at the same time deadly.
- John Calvin
In one word, not to dwell longer on this, give heed, and you will at once perceive that ignorance of Providence is the greatest of all miseries, and the knowledge of it the highest happiness.
- John Calvin
Christ does not make new laws; he rectifies the wrong interpretations of the scribes which had vitiated the purity of the law of God.
- John Calvin
Where Christ does not reign men are wolves to men.
- John Calvin
This was why I published the Institutes — to defend against unjust slander my brothers whose death was precious in the Lord's sight.
- John Calvin
Greeks receives the name of ethelobreskeia -- the term which Paul here makes use of. He has, however, an eye to the etymology of the term, for ethelobreskeia literally denotes a voluntary service, which men choose for themselves at their own option, without authority from God.
- John Calvin
Therefore they escape by the shift that this is done only with God's permission, not also by his will;3 but he, openly declaring that he is the doer, repudiates that evasion. However, that men can accomplish nothing except by God's secret command, that they cannot by deliberating accomplish anything except what he has already decreed with himself and determines by his secret direction, is proved by innumerable and clear testimonies.
- John Calvin
Indeed in all ages Satan seems to have fought more violently against free justification by faith than against any other teaching, striving to extinguish it and smother it.
- John Calvin
No sooner are some false prophets put down than others pop up in all directions.
- John Calvin
For unless we realize our own helpless misery, we shall never know how much we need the remedy which Christ brings, nor come to him with the fervent love we owe him.
- John Calvin
They who take it amiss that the world was not sooner created, may as well expostulate with God for not having made innumerable worlds.
- John Calvin