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Quotes from John Calvin

The supreme and only Judge of the universe stands before the tribunal of an earthly judge.
- John Calvin
For all the expiations have no other meaning than that God will be always merciful, as often as the sinner shall flee to the refuge of his pardon.
- John Calvin
We must resist wandering thoughts in prayer.Raising our hands reminds us that we need to raise up our minds to God,setting aside all irrelevant thoughts.
- John Calvin
There is no work, however vile or sordid, that does not glisten before God.
- John Calvin
A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.
- John Calvin
God tolerates even our stammering, and pardons our ignorance whenever something inadvertently escapes us - as, indeed, without this mercy there would be no freedom to pray.
- John Calvin
No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keepeth us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief.
- John Calvin
There is no medium between the two things: the earth must either be worthless in our estimation, or keep us enslaved by an intemperate love of it.
- John Calvin
Knowledge of the sciences is so much smoke apart from the heavenly science of Christ.
- John Calvin
Christ is the most perfect image of God, into which we are so renewed as to bear the image of God, in knowledge, purity, righteousness, and true holiness.
- John Calvin
For Scripture is the school of the Holy Spirit, in which, as nothing is omitted that is both necessary and useful to know, so nothing is taught but what is expedient to know. Therefore we must guard against depriving believers of anything disclosed about predestination in Scripture, lest we seem either wickedly to defraud them of the blessing of their God or to accuse and scoff at the Holy Spirit for having published what it is in any way profitable to suppress.
- John Calvin
Grant, Almighty God, since thou hast delivered to us a sure rule of worship, which cannot deceive us, and since thy Son became for us a perfect master of all wisdom and of solid piety, that we may obediently follow whatever he prescribes for us..."
- John Calvin