Quotes from Cindy Woodsmall
Most relationship issues are solved with one thing: setting boundaries. See the problem for what it is, set a boundary, and follow through despite how hard the person tries to break the boundary and how much it hurts to hold fast.
- Cindy Woodsmall
Is it possible faith in God over our future must outweigh our feelings in the things of today? And maybe there are lots of types of forgiveness just like there are lots of kinds of love.
- Cindy Woodsmall
When you figure out where you're messing up and you hate that behavior bad enough, that's where all the good parts of you begin.
- Cindy Woodsmall
Our desire is to help you embrace the beauty of the life God has given you. We wrote Plain Wisdom to encourage you to accept yourself,forgive yourself, challenge yourself,laugh at yourself, and most important,see yourself through God's eyes of love.For when you do,you will find the freedom to truly enjoy your life.
- Cindy Woodsmall
The last thing she needed to do was start a difficult conversation without knowing her own mind and heart.
- Cindy Woodsmall
Seems to me that most relationship issues are solved with one thing: setting boundaries. See the problem for what it is, set a boundary, and follow through despite how hard the person tries to break the boundary and how much it hurts to hold fast.
- Cindy Woodsmall
Church existed because of love and forgiveness, not because of man's accusations and disapproval.
- Cindy Woodsmall