Quotes from Patrick Morley
Men want and desperately need to feel like God's much-loved sons—that He knows what we're going through, that He loves us in spite of our sins, and that He really cares about us personally. Yet most men find it hard to trust God for these things. Would
- Patrick Morley
Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I have been attempting to find significance in an inappropriate way. As a result, I have sinned against You. Thank You for dying on the cross for me and forgiving my sins. As an act of faith, I invite You to come into my life and direct me. Take control of my life, and make me into the kind of man You want me to be. Amen.
- Patrick Morley
Whatever the cause, not fully embracing the idea that God really cares about you personally is the spiritual equivalent of running away from home. But it doesn't have to be
- Patrick Morley
You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
- Patrick Morley
When your circumstances fail but your character succeeds, you become a model of hope for others.
- Patrick Morley
We cannot control our circumstances, but we can control our character.
- Patrick Morley
Many of us have merely added Christ to our lives as another interest in an already busy and otherwise overcrowded schedule. This sort of thinking has watered down the meaning of a personal relationship with Christ. The problem is that we often seek the God we want, but do not know the God who is.
- Patrick Morley
Purposes are threads of continuity that we weave into the long-term view of our lives. Goals come and go, but purposes survive because they are long-term, they pertain to the why we exist part of our lives. They relate to how we perceive the theory of our lives.
- Patrick Morley
God is more interested in the success of our character than the success of our circumstances.
- Patrick Morley
Many of us are busy "doing" but are not keeping our personal relationship with God in tune.
- Patrick Morley
The path to significance is bigger than the individual.
- Patrick Morley
First, a disciple is called to walk with Christ; they profess faith in Jesus Christ. Second, a disciple is equipped to live like Christ; they are engaged in a process of spiritual growth and transformation. Third, a disciple is sent to work for Christ; they serve the Lord.
- Patrick Morley