Quotes from Peter Kreeft
Atheism is cheap on people, because it snobbishly says nine out of ten people through history have been wrong about God and have had a lie at the core of their hearts.
- Peter Kreeft
Most theists are deists most of the time, in practice if not in theory. They practice the absence of God instead of the presence of God.
- Peter Kreeft
Our only qualitifcation for God's grace is our emptiness, not our fullness; our undeservingness, not our deservingness.
- Peter Kreeft
God continuously comes into the world in two places - at the altar and in the womb.
- Peter Kreeft
The block of marble is not the sculptor, and doesn't see that he's about to become a masterpiece... We're the block of marble and God is the sculptor, and the chisel is.... everything.
- Peter Kreeft
God is not pre or post anything. He is present to everything. ... There is not predestination but destination, not predestiny but destiny. This follows from divine omniscience and eternity.
- Peter Kreeft
Only God is to be loved for His own sake. Everything else is to be loved for God's sake.
- Peter Kreeft
Pride looks down, and no one can see God but by looking up.
- Peter Kreeft
If there is a God, there is a map. If God has a map, his map is the true map.
- Peter Kreeft
Indifference is the only road that never gets to God.
- Peter Kreeft
Prayer is fundamentally a transformation of will, a lifting of the heart and will to God.
- Peter Kreeft
When we believe that God is something other than a lover, it is inevitable that we will sin.
- Peter Kreeft