Quotes from Peter Kreeft
Those who love Tolkien are almost always good people, honest people. Some are Hobbit-like and some are Elvish, but none are Orcish. Not all Tolkien haters are Orcs, but all Orcs are Tolkien haters.
- Peter Kreeft
God is infinite bodiless spirit, your soul is finite embodied spirit, and angels are finite bodiless spirits.
- Peter Kreeft
Pascal would not have needed to read this book. He wrote: "Not only do we only know God through Jesus Christ, but we only know ourselves through Jesus Christ; we only know life and death through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ we cannot know the meaning of our life, or our death, of God or of ourselves.
- Peter Kreeft
It's out of liberal-hearted love and compassion for people that the Church has always been so hardheadedly conservative about doctrine.
- Peter Kreeft
the mere necessity brings with it a dispensation, since necessity knows no law. . . .
- Peter Kreeft
The Exodus also = salvation; Egypt = sin; Pharoah = Satan; Moses = Christ; the Jews = the Church; the Red Sea = death; the wilderness = Purgatory; the Old Law = the New Law; the gospel; the old Mount (Sinai) = the new mount from which Jesus preached His "sermon on the mount" (Mt 5-7); and the Promised Land = Heaven. The "=" is not mathematical but symbolic.
- Peter Kreeft
essential form
- Peter Kreeft
The claims the Catholic Church makes are a little like the claims Christ makes: so superhuman that it becomes impossible to take a comfortable, middle-of-the-road attitude toward them, unless we are either sleeping or dishonest. The man who claimed to be God is either God or a lunatic and blasphemer. And the Church that claims to be the body of the God-man, with divine authority to teach infallibly, to forgive sins, to make Christ
- Peter Kreeft
Morality flows from metaphysics because goodness flows from God.
- Peter Kreeft
It is often said that we live in a youth culture. It's a lie. We live in an old culture. We idolize youth because we are old. We are tired and bored. Ancient cultures respected the old because those cultures were young. They were not bored.
- Peter Kreeft
Likewise the subjection of woman to man results from the perfection of the male and the imperfection of the female sex.
- Peter Kreeft
The second reason was to make public and visible an invisible spiritual reality. This is the purpose of all the sacraments. Indeed, it is the fundamental purpose of matter itself.
- Peter Kreeft