Quotes from Peter Kreeft
The only honest reason for anyone ever to believe anything is that it is true, that it is really there.
- Peter Kreeft
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
- Peter Kreeft
the Lutheran alternative to the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation which is called consubstantiation, in which the bread and wine are not changed but added to, so that Christ becomes really present along with them but they remain.
- Peter Kreeft
All metaphors limp.
- Peter Kreeft
T]o scorn the dictate of reason is to scorn the commandment of God (I-II,19,5).
- Peter Kreeft
De Caussade makes this matter of duty very simple, too, as he makes everything simple: "We have two duties to fulfill: we must actively seek to carry God's will into effect and passively accept all that his will sends us" (p. 73). That's all. That's it.
- Peter Kreeft
Now in giving honor to one's parents or to the gods, as indeed the Philosopher says, it is impossible to repay them measure for measure; but it suffices that man repay as much as he can, for friendship does not demand measure for measure, but what is possible.
- Peter Kreeft
A classic is like a cow: it gives fresh milk every morning. A classic is a book that rewards endlessly repeated reading. A classic is like the morning, like nature herself: ever young, ever renewing. No, not even like nature, for she, like us, is doomed to die. Only God is ever young, and only the Book he inspired never grows old.
- Peter Kreeft
It is significant that in most languages there is a single word for the essential virtue regarding both of these two relationships, which are the only two relationships where we cannot pay all that is owed. The word is "piety" (pietas). It means honor to both ancestors and God, the authors of our life.
- Peter Kreeft
St. Thomas connects servile fear with dead faith (loveless faith) and filial fear with living faith.
- Peter Kreeft
If humility were not self-forgetfulness, any virtuous person would have the practical dilemma of either directing his attention to his own virtue, which naturally leads to pride, or denying it, which would be a lie.
- Peter Kreeft
Belief in angels makes an even bigger difference if you believe in God and pray, because your prayers to God to send angel help will be answered.
- Peter Kreeft