Quotes from Peter Kreeft
Unworthy" does not mean "undeserving", for we are all undeserving! It means "incapable of receiving.
- Peter Kreeft
since the foe of the human race was vanquished not as by God but as by man, as Pope Leo says
- Peter Kreeft
another principle demons use in spiritual warfare: multiple attacks, from many directions at once, or with many different weapons at once.
- Peter Kreeft
Christ is the Word of God, the answer of God. All the words of the prophets, philosophers, and poets are echoes of this Word. In
- Peter Kreeft
Of course we should use all our powers, of mind and will and imagination, but not trust in them, for that is trusting in ourselves.
- Peter Kreeft
our primary practical commandment in this life, to love our neighbors: it is not only for their and our good in time, but also preparation for our and their eternal blessedness.
- Peter Kreeft
But all true effort to help begins with self-humiliation: the helper must first humble himself under him he would help, and therewith must understand that to help does not mean to be a sovereign but to be a servant, that to help does not mean to be ambitious but to be patient, that to help means to endure for the time being the imputation that one is in the wrong and does not understand what the other understands.
- Peter Kreeft
The quantity comes from the efficient cause but the quality comes from the formal cause.
- Peter Kreeft
We are bored with God because our heartsq do not hunger for God, seek God, love God
- Peter Kreeft
That's why contraception is wrong by nature: it's a limit, a "Wait! Hold! No! Not quite! We won't give each other Everything")
- Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine says, "If God is, why is there evil? But if God is not, why is there good?
- Peter Kreeft
Our attempts at charity without God, our attempts at charity before faith and hope, all fail because they are based on ourselves and our own false sufficiency and our own righteousness as their foundation and cause. But the charity that comes after faith is God's own work in and through us, and is part of our own salvation.
- Peter Kreeft