Quotes from Peter Kreeft
F]or a thing to be evil, one single defect suffices, whereas for it to be good . . . it is not enough for it to be good in one point only, it must be good in every respect. . . .
- Peter Kreeft
City of God interprets all of the human story, from Creation to the Last Judgment, as the drama of divine providence and human free choice, especially the choice between the two most fundamental options of membership in one or the other of the two cities. The City of God is the invisible community of all who love God; the City of the World is all those who love the world and themselves as their God.
- Peter Kreeft
A God made in the world's image can't save the world.
- Peter Kreeft
For everything naturally desires good
- Peter Kreeft
Principles without facts are empty, but facts without principles are blind.
- Peter Kreeft
We want to complexify our lives. We don't have to, we want to. We want to be harried and hassled and busy. Unconsciously, we want the very thing we complain about. For if we had leisure, we would look at ourselves and listen to our hearts and see the great gaping hole in our hearts and be terrified, because that hole is so big that nothing but God can fill it.
- Peter Kreeft
Even though we hate some of the things we do or feel, we hate them only because we love ourselves. We feel we are unworthy of such bad stuff.
- Peter Kreeft
It hardly ever attaches to any other sin except one, and is never heard from any organized group of people except one.
- Peter Kreeft
We cannot hate truth in general, all truth, as we cannot hate food in general, all food. But we can hate a particular truth even though it is good for us, as we can hate a particular food even though it is good for us:
- Peter Kreeft
of all the natural virtues these four are "cardinal," i.e., the hinges ("cardes") on which all other virtues turn, the foundations on which all the other virtues are built.
- Peter Kreeft
It is faith (trust) that affirms that the light, the ultimate truth, is perfect love. (That's because there is only one God, and He is both.) Therefore faith is the key to this absolute love of truth.
- Peter Kreeft
Murder and adultery are great crimes.
- Peter Kreeft