Quotes from Peter Kreeft
The ultimate reason we must become holy is that that is the only way to become real.
- Peter Kreeft
First, you must read it, not as you read other books, but slowly and thoughtfully (that is why I made it very short) and above all prayerfully, that is, under the eye of God, in the presence of Truth and therefore in absolute honesty. Second, you must actually do it, not just read about doing it, think about doing it, understand how to do it, plan to do it, or imagine yourself doing it. It is a cookbook, not a dinner.
- Peter Kreeft
Dostoyevsky says, "love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams" (The Brothers Karamazov).
- Peter Kreeft
Truth is unchanging. The principles of morality are unchanging. The human essence is unchanging. Therefore there is no hope of a New Man, Heaven on Earth, Babel Rebuilt, a Brave New World, or Superman.
- Peter Kreeft
We cannot go from our darkness to his light, because we are working in the dark. But God can go from his light to our darkness, because he is working in the light.
- Peter Kreeft
Learning to pray is dress rehearsal for eternal life.
- Peter Kreeft
When I ask my "Catholic" students what they would say to God if they died tonight and God asked them why He should let them into Heaven, fewer than 5% ever even mention Jesus Christ.
- Peter Kreeft
Christ changed every human being he ever met. In fact, He changed history, splitting it open like a coconut and inserting eternity into the split between B.C. and A.D. If anyone claims to have met Him without being changed, he has not met Him at all. When you touch Him, you touch lightning. Socrates is puzzled because he is looking for the burn marks.
- Peter Kreeft
Delight is a subjective reason for praying, but it is a valid one.
- Peter Kreeft
it is possible to love one's friend for another reason than God, whereas God is the only reason for loving one's enemy.
- Peter Kreeft
Disbelief is a sin, but honest unbelief is not.
- Peter Kreeft
Over half of all Roman Catholics in America today leave the Church before they get married and have kids. The most common reason for returning is for the kids. Like parachute jumpers, soldiers in foxholes, and big wave surfers, parents know they need God. And for similar reasons.
- Peter Kreeft