Quotes from Peter Kreeft
The practice of the presence of God, though we begin it at special times of prayer, is designed to spill out and over and into all times.
- Peter Kreeft
It is why God created matter, most of all the human body, which has the greatest power to make spirit visible. (Thus the philosopher Wittgenstein, asked what a human soul could possibly look like, answered, "Like a human body.")
- Peter Kreeft
when the soul no longer conforms to the will of God, the body no longer conforms to the will of the soul.
- Peter Kreeft
If I did not love you more today than I did yesterday, I would love you less, and that is intolerable. So I must find more ways to love you every day.
- Peter Kreeft
It's the most essential thing of all just because it's not a matter of how you do it at all, but of whether you do it. Like being born, or cooking: how you do it is less important than whether you do it. You can find thousands of books on prayer that give you methods of praying, hundreds of hows; but they do you no good at all unless you actually pray. Otherwise it's like reading a cookbook instead of cooking. You can't eat a cookbook!
- Peter Kreeft
We make a big deal out of Christmas; we should make an even bigger deal out of March 25. The greatest event in history, the Incarnation, happened at the Annunciation, not the Nativity.
- Peter Kreeft
If we seek the truth without realizing how far we are from it, we will be dogmatists. If we realize how far we are from the truth but do not seek it, we will be skeptics. If we both seek the truth and realize how far we are from it, we will be wise.
- Peter Kreeft
That freedom is lost in Hell.
- Peter Kreeft
The true philosopher lives his life as a dress rehearsal for death.
- Peter Kreeft
It is tempting to remain in the comfortable theater of the imagination instead of the real world, to fall in love with the idea of becoming a saint and loving God and neighbor instead of doing the actual work, because the idea makes no demands on you.
- Peter Kreeft
The more you treat someone you hate as if you loved them, the more you will find yourself loving them.
- Peter Kreeft
Thus, though Christians are in no way bound by the Jewish ceremonial or civil laws (because they were all in some way preparatory for Christ), we are still under the Ten Commandments in one way, though not in two other ways.
- Peter Kreeft