Quotes from Peter Kreeft
Reason is flawless, de jure, but reasoners are not, de facto.
- Peter Kreeft
Prayer is easier than we think. we want to think it is too hard or too high and holy for us, because that gives us an excuse for not doing it. This is false humility. We can all do it, even the most sinful, shallow, silly, and stupid of us.
- Peter Kreeft
Despair itself can be hopeful if it is honest.
- Peter Kreeft
We must pray in order to grow, and we must grow because Infinite Love will not, cannot, settle for less than the greatest joy of which his beloved creature is capable.
- Peter Kreeft
It is the Godfather, not God the Father, who makes you an offer you can't refuse.
- Peter Kreeft
Stand in the divine rain, and seeds of wisdom will grow in your soul.
- Peter Kreeft
There is something in us that fears prayer as a maggot fears light. We must do violence to this voice, for it is not ourselves. It is our Enemy.
- Peter Kreeft
From the premise that Christianity is true it follows that the far-off glimpse of joy produced by fantasy is a glimpse of truth; that a great eucatastrophic tale like The Lord of the Rings is a gift of divine grace, an opening of the curtain that veils Heaven to earthly eyes, a tiny telepathic contact with the Mind of God.
- Peter Kreeft
Go back to Socrates: Know thyself. For Socrates, there are only two kinds of people: the wise, who know they are fools; and fools, who think they are wise. Similarly, for Christ and all the prophets, there are only two kinds of people: saints, who know they are sinners; and sinners, who think they are saints. Which are you?
- Peter Kreeft
The person who is committing the sin of sloth may be doing nothing visible that is wrong. Yet he is rejecting the presence of God, refusing the joy of love.
- Peter Kreeft
The universal sin Saint Paul pinpoints in Romans 1:18 is to suppress the truth.
- Peter Kreeft
Three reasons God commands us to pray correlate to our three deepest needs, the fundamental needs of the three powers of our soul: prayer gives truth to our mind, goodness to our will, and beauty to our heart . 'The true, the good, and the beautiful' are the three things we need and love the most, because they are the three attributes of God.
- Peter Kreeft