Quotes from George Washington
Happiness depends more upon the internal frame of a person's own mind, than on the externals in the world.
- George Washington
The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.
- George Washington
Worry is the intrest paid by those who borrow trouble.
- George Washington
The turning points of lives are not the great moments. The real crises are often concealed in occurrences so trivial in appearance that they pass unobserved.
- George Washington
To persevere in one's duty and be silent, is the best answer to calumny.
- George Washington
I shall never ask, never refuse, nor ever resign an office.
- George Washington
My movements to the chair of government will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a culprit who is going to the place of his execution.
- George Washington
Undertake not what you cannot perform but be careful to keep your promise.
- George Washington
Heaven itself has ordained the right.
- George Washington
'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances, with any portion of the foreign world - as far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it.
- George Washington
I beg leave to assure the Congress that no pecuniary consideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous employment at the expense of my domestic ease and happiness. I do not wish to make any profit from it.
- George Washington
Good moral character is the first essential in a man.
- George Washington