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Quotes from Norman Geisler

Forcing people to "freely" believe is a contradiction in terms. God is love (1 John 4:16), and love cannot work coercively — only persuasively.
- Norman Geisler
All moral choices are free choices. No one can be praised or blamed for an act in which they had no free choice. If they were forced to do it, then they can't get either credit or blame. Hence if God destroyed all freedom, He would be destroying all possibility to love, praise, and worship Him — to say nothing of destroying all possibility of our enjoying His or other people's love, praise, and sacrifice on our behalf.
- Norman Geisler
Yes, God is the author of everything, including evil, in the sense that He permits it, but not in the sense that He produces it. Evil happens in His permissive will, but He does not promote evil in His perfect will.
- Norman Geisler
Laying a good foundation is important, but the fact remains that we don't live in the foundation; we live in the house built upon it. In that house where daily life is lived, things are not always as they should be.
- Norman Geisler
Natural laws are not immutable because they are descriptions of what happens, not prescriptions of what must happen.
- Norman Geisler
Belief requires assent not only of the mind but also of the will.
- Norman Geisler
Simply put, that we don't know a good purpose for some evil does not mean there is no good purpose for it. There are many things we don't know. And there are many things we once did not know but now do know. So it should be expected that in the future we will discover good purposes for things for which we do not now know a good purpose.
- Norman Geisler
the greatest miracle of all—the creation of the universe out of nothing—has already occurred, which means Genesis 1:1 and every other miracle in the Bible is believable.
- Norman Geisler
While passion may induce some people to exaggerate, it may drive others to be all the more meticulous and accurate so as not to compromise the credibility of the message they wish to communicate. As you'll see, we think the authors of the Bible took this meticulous and accurate road.
- Norman Geisler
God can intervene in the universe he created despite what David Hume says.
- Norman Geisler
While God does want to reach our hearts, He does not bypass our minds in the process.
- Norman Geisler
The Law of Noncontradiction is a self-evident first principle of thought that says contradictory claims cannot both be true at the same time in the same sense.
- Norman Geisler