Quotes from Norman Geisler
All truth claims are absolute, narrow, and exclusive.
- Norman Geisler
It's also important to understand that the universe did not emerge from existing material but from nothing—there was no matter before the Big Bang. In fact, chronologically, there was no "before" the Big Bang because there are no "befores" without time, and there was no time until the Big Bang.
- Norman Geisler
There are some things even God cannot do. He cannot force anyone to freely accept Him. Forced freedom is a contradiction in terms.
- Norman Geisler
Time, space, and matter came into existence at the Big Bang.
- Norman Geisler
All truths are absolute truths.
- Norman Geisler
contrary beliefs are possible, but contrary truths are not possible.
- Norman Geisler
this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object, in other words by God himself. (Pensees, #148)
- Norman Geisler
religious pluralism—the belief that all religions are true.
- Norman Geisler
Love never forces itself on another's will. So
- Norman Geisler
Faith is the soul looking upward to God, hope is looking forward to the future, and love is looking outward to others.
- Norman Geisler
But truth is not a subjective matter of taste—it's an objective matter of fact.
- Norman Geisler
Since God by His very nature (love) cannot force anyone to love Him, it would be highly improper to think of a heaven where people were forced to be there.
- Norman Geisler