Quotes from Dan Allender
Ignoring our emotions is turning our back on reality; listening to our emotions ushers us into reality. And reality is where we meet God.
- Dan Allender
Every emotion, though horizontally provoked, nevertheless reflects something about the vertical dimension: our relationship with God.
- Dan Allender
Poetry reaches to the realm beyond the world of sight and sound to reveal what our senses long to see and hear. It is the language not so much of the sublime, but of the truly real.
- Dan Allender
All evaluations eventually boil down to this: Am I moving toward God or away from Him? Am I turning toward God with awe and gratitude, or away from Him toward false gods of my own making?
- Dan Allender
Righteous anger invites change. It can envision what the other might look like if the arrogance controlling the heart was pierced. Anger is a surgical weapon, designed to destroy ugliness and restore beauty. In the hands of one who is trained in love and who can envision beauty, the knife of righteous anger is a weapon for restoration.
- Dan Allender
Emotions are not amoral—they vocalize the inner working of our souls and are as tainted as any other portion of our personality.
- Dan Allender
The reason we don't want to feel is that feeling exposes the tragedy of our world and the darkness of our hearts.
- Dan Allender
We are not machines that can be repaired through a series of steps—we are relational beings who are transformed by the mystery of relationship.
- Dan Allender
Tension is living in the gap between certainty and uncertainty. We always begin with what we know, and are irresistibly drawn to what we don't know. We are inveterately curious. We are wired to grow, and all growth stretches us beyond our comfort level. Comfort is the absence of tension; growth requires a swim in murky, dangerous waters... Tension is the medium which we breathe everyday.
- Dan Allender
We often don't know our own stories because we doubt their existence, dismiss their importance, or we're distracted.
- Dan Allender
Change comes through brutal honesty and vulnerability before God. Only face to face with our deepest ruling passions is there hope of redeeming the fabric of our inner world.
- Dan Allender
Godly despair cries out for perspective but allows the hollowness of loss to move the heart to seek God.
- Dan Allender