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Quotes from Craig Keener

Millions of Bible-reading Christians who today call themselves charismatics do not believe in health and wealth teachings.
- Craig Keener
One of the first steps we should take in knowing God's voice is knowing God's heart.
- Craig Keener
As a young Christian, I was praying fervently one day for guidance on a particular issue when I felt the Spirit gently interrupt. I was shocked to think I heard him suggest that I was too busy seeking his will. How could that be? Then I heard the rest of his suggestion. "Don't seek my will in this matter. Seek me—and then you will know my will." Seeking God's will is important, but in this case my focus was wrong.
- Craig Keener
As Elijah's mantle fell on Elisha and as other prophetic disciples sought to emulate their mentors, so the ascending Jesus empowered his church with the Spirit to carry on his mission to the ends of the earth (1:9—11).
- Craig Keener
Using only nonnarrative portions of the Bible to interpret narrative is not only disrespectful to the narrative portions but also suggests a misguided approach to nonnarrative parts of the Bible.
- Craig Keener
The fact that our traditional method of extracting doctrine from Scripture does not work well on narrative does not mean that Bible stories do not send clear messages. Instead, it suggests that the way we apply our traditional method of interpretation is inadequate because we are ignoring too much of God's Word.
- Craig Keener
No one who beats his wife or children, spreads slander in a congregation, or harbors perpetual unforgiveness in his or her heart is full of the Spirit, no matter how many supernatural gifts he or she claims to have.
- Craig Keener
Many of us who affirm and practice spiritual gifts would feel more comfortable among anticharismatics who are at least grounded in Scripture than among such flaky charismatics.
- Craig Keener
Revelation announces that God is still in control and that he will conclude this stage of history the way he has promised.
- Craig Keener
Oral Roberts's informal estimate of 10 percent healed (Stewart, Only Believe, 58); in the modern faith movement, see Barron, Gospel, 125—36. Van Brenk, "Wagner," 257, cites 29 percent completely healed for Wagner (which would be quite high).
- Craig Keener