Quotes from Terry James
We will find out. It will all become clear. Heaven is involved, and heaven never leaves anything in which it is involved unresolved.
- Terry James
Get into the Word regularly (John 17:17).
- Terry James
God is the Author and the Creator.
- Terry James
With God in charge we don't have to be anxious or fear. He'll bring about what He needs to in order to accomplish His purposes. I'm just glad we're on His side.
- Terry James
Things like sex-change reassignment surgery and hormone treatment, gender fluidity, the legalization of prostitution, marriage to robots, third-trimester abortion, and the war on freedom of speech and religious liberty are dehumanizing and represent Satan's final goal of completely erasing the image of God in man. The Lord Jesus Christ wants us to enjoy the abundant life (John 10:
- Terry James
Notice in that same prophecy, the angel told Daniel that, besides a great increase in knowledge, "many shall run to and fro" (Daniel 12:4). This second sign, a tremendous increase in the distance and speed of travel, would also occur in the same context, that being the end times. God was revealing that, once people begin to run to and fro, both farther and faster, the final years before Christ returns to set up His Millennial Kingdom will finally be upon us.
- Terry James
After all, no one is comfortable being told that he or she is a sinner. In our marketing-oriented churches, making people comfortable and happy can easily become the primary thing.
- Terry James
I have read many Catholic apologists who have tried to explain this away. Many of them are quite technical, whereas the pontiff's words seem simple and clear. I think any fair-minded reader of these words will come away with the idea that this pope believes the "blood of Christ" has redeemed atheists, whether they like it or not.
- Terry James