Quotes from Francine Rivers
Past and future were out of her hands. One was finished and couldn't be undone. The other was beyond imagining.
- Francine Rivers
Who are you to say whether she is of use? She is alive! That is statement enough.
- Francine Rivers
Better to have trouble with man than trouble with God.
- Francine Rivers
Our salvation depends on not who we are but on who He is.
- Francine Rivers
If I provide for this life and turn away from the Lord, I am wise for a moment, but lost forever.
- Francine Rivers
One person standing on the Rock can throw a lifeline to others drowning in the sea.
- Francine Rivers
But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!" ISAIAH 43 : 1
- Francine Rivers
You touch that young woman, and I will see you hang.
- Francine Rivers
God always answers, in His time, not in yours. You'll know what you're supposed to do when the time comes.
- Francine Rivers
Why I Wrote Redeeming Love Many born-again Christians talk about a single conversion experience that changed their lives forever. They can tell you the day and the hour they made their decision to live for the Lord. I can't do that.
- Francine Rivers
Do my will, beloved. I drew you up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set your feet upon a rock.
- Francine Rivers
The most ordinary things of life are extraordinary.
- Francine Rivers