Quotes from Francine Rivers
When she felt the tears coming up, building like a great hard pressure inside her, hot, so hot she thought they would burn, she swallowed them down deeper and deeper until they became a hard little stone in her chest.
- Francine Rivers
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.
- Francine Rivers
Did Honoring mean to do everything you were told without question? Did it mean swift capitulation? Did it mean giving up yourself for the sake of living out someone else's dreams? No matter what that dream was?
- Francine Rivers
You must obey the Lord. Whatever He says, you must do. God gave us the Law to protect us, to teach us how to live righteously before Him. The battle belongs to the Lord. We are to be holy as He is holy!
- Francine Rivers
She had never seen anything so beautiful. Morning light spilled slowly over the mountains, across the valley to the cabin and the woods behind, and up the hillside. She felt Hosea's strong hands on her shoulders. "Mara, that's the life I want to give you."
- Francine Rivers
It wasn't what she put in her mouth that would defile her, but what proceeded from her mouth, be the words unkind, slanderous, gossipful, boastful or blasphemous.
- Francine Rivers
Whatever tomorrow brought, today she had Michael.
- Francine Rivers
All day Annie had watched family members, friends, and neighbors wander around the garden, and she kept thinking how they were all like flowers. Some were poppies, blooming bold and brief. Others were like ornamental vines, passionflowers, or trumpets. Still others were shy violets and wallflowers. And all together, what a beautiful world they made. Everyone different, everyone amazing to behold.
- Francine Rivers
God created the garden for man and placed him in it. Adam and Eve fell into sin in a garden. Jesus taught in a garden. Our Lord prayed in a garden. He was betrayed in a garden. And He arose in a garden. And someday—" her grandmother's eyes had shone—"we will all be reunited in the garden.
- Francine Rivers
Oh, that he should care so little about people whom God loved so much.
- Francine Rivers
But the eyes of the Lord are watching over those who fear him, who rely upon his steady love. "He will keep them from death. . . ." Psalm 33:18
- Francine Rivers
Man strives to do things his own way, and yet, it is always Your will that prevails.
- Francine Rivers