Quotes from Francine Rivers
I promise you, I am not going to crush your spirit, Kate. Why would I, when that's what I love most about you? He kissed her forehead as though she were a child.
- Francine Rivers
What about the other wifely duties? Michael glanced back at her. -When it means something more to you than work, we'll consummate the marriage
- Francine Rivers
You have no idea the power a good woman has over a man. You made me think about the faith I thought Id lost. He gave a low laugh. You got me back inside a church. And, if all that isn't enough.. He took her hand, kissed the palm, and pressed it flat against his bare chest. She could feel the hard pounding of his heart. Does that make you feel safer?
- Francine Rivers
Books can be bought. A house can be rebuilt, darlin. You can't be replaced.
- Francine Rivers
Rumors aren't worth the sand we walk on.
- Francine Rivers
In a Christian marriage, Atretes, the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, he himself being the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so you will be subject to Christ, and so also Rizpah will be subject to you in everything. Love her, just as Christ also loves you and gave himself up for you. Sacrificially, willing even to die for her. Love her as you love your own body. Sustain and protect her in all circumstances.
- Francine Rivers
You follow your faith, as weak as it is, rather than your doubts, as strong as they seem to you right now. You do that and leave the rest up to God. He'll make sure everything goes according to plan.
- Francine Rivers
He traced her face with one finger again. 'A woman is either a wall or a door, beloved.'' She gave a bleak laugh and looked at him. '' Then I guess i'm a door a thousand mean have walked through.'' ''No. You are a wall, a stone wall, four feet thick and a hundred feet high, I can't get over you all by myself, but I keep trying.
- Francine Rivers
You are my God! Let nothing stand between You and me. Sin crouches at the entrance of my heart waiting to devour me. And I must fight against it. Oh, God, how I must fight against the fire in my blood!
- Francine Rivers
Father said it is not God's will that any should suffer." "Then why must we?" "We bear the consequences for what we have done to ourselves, and for the sin that rules this world. Jesus forgave the thief, but he didn't take him down off the cross.
- Francine Rivers
Oh, God, I can't hope for anything. I can't. I won't survive if I do.
- Francine Rivers
Man planned, but God prevailed.
- Francine Rivers