Quotes from Francine Rivers
When he told his story to believers, they wept and rejoiced. To unbelievers, he was an object of ridicule. The euphoria and security she felt with those who shared her faith dissolved when she watched her father stand before a crowd and suffer their abuse.
- Francine Rivers
If you don't love her, leave her alone. If you do, let her be the woman she is. You'll find a good description in that Bible of yours. Proverbs 31, if I remember rightly. A woman of virtue…" Just like a man to focus on the woman. Take a good, hard look at the husband that woman had" She shook her head. If I ever met a man who treated me with that kind of respect, I might even marry again.
- Francine Rivers
Our work is to devote our own lives to pleasing God. It's that simple. We're to devote our efforts to learning to think as God thinks, to see ourselves and others through his eyes, to walk as he walked. That's our life's work.
- Francine Rivers
Wealth isn't evil, Kate. It's the love of money that is. When no matter how much you have is never enough.
- Francine Rivers
She met his eyes, praying he understood. I felt safe with you. His expression softened. You'll always be safe with me.
- Francine Rivers
He's on fire alright, but sometimes that kind of fire can burn churches down.
- Francine Rivers
She didn't make life easy on those who loved her, but she was worth it.
- Francine Rivers
There's only one lady I want, and I'm looking at her.
- Francine Rivers
They didn't kill the one they judged anymore. They left them broken and wounded.
- Francine Rivers
You have whatever strength God has given you, and it will be enough to carry out his good purpose. Trust in him.
- Francine Rivers
Opening her eyes, she looked up at him and laughed. Look at us, quoting Scripture. Matthias loved the warmth in her eyes. My father was a preacher, but it was my mother who taught me the Bible. He tucked the strand of hair behind her ear. Never underestimate the importance of the woman who rocks the cradle.
- Francine Rivers
Go ahead! Her eyes shimmered with tears. Laugh! Pulling Kathryn to her feet, he cupped her face tenderly. We will laugh, darlin', right up until we're both old and gray and have a dozen grandchildren. He kissed her firmly. The answer is yes. I'll marry you. He grinned and kissed her again.
- Francine Rivers