Quotes from Francine Rivers
I was used to teachers just putting in time, not loaded with enthusiasm.
- Francine Rivers
Colors come from a phenomenon called scattering. The wavelengths of light and the size of the particles determine the colors.
- Francine Rivers
God, who established the heavens, set the price for life, and it was the blood of the lamb.
- Francine Rivers
God made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
- Francine Rivers
Bithia seemed wise in the ways of the world, but she was completely ignorant of what she brought upon herself. Commerce with the powers of darkness might gain her what she desired for the moment, but at what cost in the end?
- Francine Rivers
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself. PHILIPPIANS 2 : 3
- Francine Rivers
Only later did he remember his pride-and the shattering cost of an illusive sense of freedom.
- Francine Rivers
It's not for me to condemn anyone, no matter what they do, but I fear for her. God knows.
- Francine Rivers
You know, sometimes you can hurt yourself more by trying to keep yourself from being hurt!" Miriam called after her.
- Francine Rivers
We grieve for those we've lost, but it's the living that cause us the most pain....
- Francine Rivers
The Lord has not forsaken us. Never doubt in the darkness what God has given us in the light. The Lord is with us. He is here now. He will never leave us.
- Francine Rivers
There's order everywhere: the stars, the seasons, the currents of the ocean, the air that moves over the planet, down to the cells that make up everything. I don't believe that's by chance or a series of accidents. It takes intelligence to create all that, intelligence beyond anything human beings can understand. That's part of why I believe in God.
- Francine Rivers