Quotes from Cathy Gohlke
What would Jesus do with this gift of writing, this God-given love of writing? What would He write?
- Cathy Gohlke
As long as a man has two hands and a strong back, he can make things happen. It's no good being fearful. Worry won't change the future a whit, and it misses the joy of this glad day.
- Cathy Gohlke
Sometimes taking up our cross is doing the thing in front of us, not the glamorous, high-risk thing afar off.
- Cathy Gohlke
Each morning, when we wake—if we wake—we pick up whatever it is we've been given to carry for that day, with the sweet Lord Jesus in the yoke beside us to tote the load. Each night we lay it down, giving it into God's hands. If it's still there in the morning, we pick it up and begin again. If the burden is gone or if there is something different, we know where to start.
- Cathy Gohlke
How can we come to church and sing our hymns and pray our prayers and spit on the very creation God made above every other living thing on this earth?
- Cathy Gohlke
The Church has only one altar, the altar of the Almighty . . . before which all creatures must kneel. . . . He who seeks anything other than this must keep away; he cannot join us in the house of God. . . . The Church has only one pulpit, and from that pulpit faith in God will be preached, and no other faith, and no other will than the will of God, however well-intentioned.
- Cathy Gohlke
Joy is the gift of God, and you are His child. He loves you so. He rejoices over you with singing!
- Cathy Gohlke
Prayer from schools? Stripping crucifixes from walls? That would be like taking down the Ten Commandments in the United States. I've never been a churchgoer, but I can't imagine such a thing happening. The churches, even the people who aren't churchgoers, would never stand for having their rights stripped away like that.
- Cathy Gohlke
He kneels upon the solid rock and is looking up—not down at his burden!
- Cathy Gohlke
I sighed. I don't know what to do. Velma Richards seems like a woman who will carry out her threat". "No Doubt It's a crusade for her. " Moments passed. "Not much Christian about it is there?" I felt like snorting. I don't know it pretty well fits with what I've come to expect of Christians.
- Cathy Gohlke
Growing is a patient thing, lad," Daniel explained. "You must give all living things time to adjust to their new surroundings, their new soil, then time to grow, as well.
- Cathy Gohlke
No matter what pain, what hard things come to us in life—and pain and trouble come to all of us—no matter what dark roads we walk or poor choices we make, it is not the end of the story.
- Cathy Gohlke