Quotes from Travis Thrasher
When you're someone who likes control, this world can often resemble staring into a broken mirror. You see the sharp, ragged edges but lose sight of yourself.
- Travis Thrasher
This place is just a trailer for a film, Brandon. Our lives here. Heaven is like the movie. Except there's only one trailer before the movie. And the movie won't ever end.
- Travis Thrasher
Part of me doesn't even know if we're together. I mean, we are-she likes me, and I want to run off to Mexico with her. So yeah, that's together, right? I guess I don't need a ring or anything.
- Travis Thrasher
We all make mistakes. There's a place we can take those to. There's a thing we can nail them to." Her eyes close for a moment and she sees the cross in the shadows of the fading light. "You can nail it to the cross and let it go, Dan. You can let someone else take that burden.
- Travis Thrasher
This is teenage madness.
- Travis Thrasher
She believes that going too far is wrong. Yet she's not trying to prove her point; she's just living it out.
- Travis Thrasher
Here's a teacher who's talking about Jesus and, oh no, she quotes a bible verse, horror of horrors. The world's breaking and torched and completely messed up, but God forbid some teacher mentions Jesus.
- Travis Thrasher
Guys can't tell girls what to do. That's an unspoken rule. Learn that now and you'll be way ahead of the game.
- Travis Thrasher
So yeah, maybe this will be the rest of our lives. Pot roast and Diet Cokes and my parents making eyes at each other. As for those slaps and punches and hateful words, we'll just sweep those under the rug or wherever they can go.
- Travis Thrasher
I think of this girl, this bright light coming from such a dark place. I know that the things she believes about God and the Bible and hope and all that are very real to her. They're not nice sayings on Twitter just to fill a box. They're the things she truly believes. I'm not sure I'm ready to rejoice, and I'm not quite ready to pray. The cool thing is that Marvel knows this. She knows this and doesn't seem to mind.
- Travis Thrasher