Quotes from Thomas a Kempis
Write, read, sing, weep, be silent, pray, endure adversities manfully; eternal life is worthy of all these conflicts, yea, and of greater.
- Thomas a Kempis
The more and better thou knowest, the more heavy will be thy judgment unless thy life be also more holy.
- Thomas a Kempis
It's meaningless to live a long life if you think only about yourself, and give no thought to caring about others.
- Thomas a Kempis
Seek a suitable time for thy meditation, and think frequently of the mercies of God to thee.
- Thomas a Kempis
The learned are well pleased to seem so to others and to be accounted wise, but much that is to be found in learning little profiteth the soul. He that is intent upon things other than those that will help his soul's salvation is lacking in wisdom. Words will not satisfy the soul; but a good life giveth comfort to the mind, and a pure conscience affordeth great confidence in the sight of God.
- Thomas a Kempis
If therefore thou use not on all sides the shield of patience, thou wilt not remain long unwounded.
- Thomas a Kempis
not thyself to attain much rest, but much patience.
- Thomas a Kempis
That is the highest and most profitable lesson, when a man truly knoweth and judgeth lowly of himself. To account nothing of one's self, and to think always kindly and highly of others, this is great and perfect wisdom
- Thomas a Kempis
Observe this simple counsel of perfection: Forsake all, and you shall find all. Renounce desire, and you shall find peace. Give this due thought, and when you have put it into practice, you will understand all things.
- Thomas a Kempis
But patiently they bore themselves in all, and trusted in God more than in themselves, knowing that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.(2)
- Thomas a Kempis
How great is the frailty of human nature which is ever prone to evil! Today you confess your sins and tomorrow you again commit the sins which you confessed. One moment you resolve to be careful, and yet after an hour you act as though you had made no resolution.
- Thomas a Kempis
It is a hard thing to break through a habit, and a yet harder thing to go contrary to our own will. Yet if thou overcome not slight and easy obstacles, how shalt thou overcome greater ones? Withstand thy will at the beginning, and unlearn an evil habit, lest it lead thee little by little into worse difficulties. Oh, if thou knewest what peace to thyself thy holy life should bring to thyself, and what joy to others, methinketh thou wouldst be more zealous for spiritual profit.
- Thomas a Kempis