Quotes from Timothy Lane
For this reason we can say that we all live theologically; that is, the things we believe about God and ourselves are the foundation for all the decisions we make, all the actions we take, and all the words we speak.
- Timothy Lane
have a tendency to do this with parenting: If I can just get through the diaper phase. . . . Once my children were out of diapers, it became: If I can just get through these early years of elementary school, then I can minister to others.
- Timothy Lane
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." That good work begins in relationship to Jesus and is brought to completion within an ever-deepening union with him.
- Timothy Lane
Do you see how money and time reveal your heart in relation to God and others? How you use time and money in your human relationships says much about your relationship with God.
- Timothy Lane
If I am married to Christ, the core of my present life is not personal happiness, but spiritual purity.
- Timothy Lane
If Christ is indeed the only prize worth living for, we need to ponder just how wonderful he is.
- Timothy Lane
Either I get my identity vertically, out of my sense of who God is and worship who he has made me in Christ, or I will seek to get my identity horizontally, out of my circumstances, relationships, and successes.
- Timothy Lane
Your spouse, your friends, and your children cannot be the sources of your identity.
- Timothy Lane
When you seek to define who you are through those relationships, you are actually asking another sinner to be your personal messiah
- Timothy Lane
the anger we reveal in the middle of trial says more about us than it does about the trial.
- Timothy Lane
Is there evidence that you are looking to your relationships to give you things you have already been given in Christ?
- Timothy Lane
Christian friendships do not simply help us bask in the sunshine of God's grace; they also help us to roll up our sleeves and strive after holiness.
- Timothy Lane