Quotes from Timothy Lane
We all want the wrong things, but God is in the business of changing what we want.
- Timothy Lane
- Timothy Lane
Each thinks he or she is more righteous than the other. Each
- Timothy Lane
is very aware of the other's sin and working hard to get the other to see it too.
- Timothy Lane
Good relationships are always built on the foundation stones of identity and worship.
- Timothy Lane
This passage is not encouraging unwise activity that overloads your schedule with church events and obligations. Nor does it ask you to turn normal relational moments into abnormal witnessing encounters.
- Timothy Lane
Godly relationships flourish best between two humble people who acknowledge their weaknesses and sins and their need for grace.
- Timothy Lane
but the call here is not so much about specific activities as it is about a lifestyle committed to God's purposes, encompassing all the details of daily life.
- Timothy Lane
What we are getting at is that, because you are a human being, there is always something you are living for; always some desire, goal, treasure, purpose, value, or craving that controls your heart.
- Timothy Lane
This passage is saying, "Make the most of every area in which God has placed you." Are you single, married, retired, parent, child, friend, employer, employee, student, or grandparent?
- Timothy Lane
When I live out of a biblical sense of who I am (identity) and rest in who God is (worship), I will be able to build a healthy relationship with you.
- Timothy Lane
Repentance is not true repentance unless it is specific and intelligent. We don't sin in the abstract; we sin in concrete, particular ways. Since that is true, we need to take an honest look at our lives—both heart and behavior. Spiritual awareness is a blessing. Through it, we can experience change.
- Timothy Lane