Quotes from Timothy Lane
Sin makes us fools. We are easily deceived, attracted to hollow and deceptive philosophy, and enticed by arguments that lead us away from Christ. Sin blinds us to our sin!
- Timothy Lane
God is simply taking you where you do not want to go to produce in you what you could not achieve on your own.
- Timothy Lane
Human marriage is only an illustration of our union with Christ. God ordained marriage to help us understand what it means to be in relationship with him.
- Timothy Lane
We shouldn't be surprised when suffering and difficulty come our way; in fact, we should probably be surprised when they don't.
- Timothy Lane
All of us respond to life based upon who we think we are and what we think we have.
- Timothy Lane
Does it surprise you that God presents himself as a model for human community?
- Timothy Lane
The order is essential: I am a new creation, accepted, adopted, and free; therefore I want to please God.
- Timothy Lane
Our relationships must be shaped not by what we want, but by what God intends.
- Timothy Lane
Sin's self-centeredness cuts us off from God and others
- Timothy Lane
Jesus' language on this point is striking. He welcomes us into this divine community with Father, Son, and Spirit so that we can experience community with one another.
- Timothy Lane
That evening in the grocery store parking lot, my problem was not just that I didn't love my family as I should. My problem was that I didn't love God as I should.
- Timothy Lane
We don't just struggle with want; we struggle with blessing as well.
- Timothy Lane