Quotes from Timothy Lane
If I consciously live in light of the fact that I am full in Christ, I will ask for forgiveness whether or not I get to watch the game.
- Timothy Lane
For too many of us, our sense of identity is more rooted in our performance than it is in God's grace.
- Timothy Lane
But, more specifically, you make a conscious choice to absorb the cost yourself.
- Timothy Lane
mess. This side of heaven, relationships and ministry are always shaped in the forge of struggle. None of us get to relate to perfect people or avoid the effects of the fall on the work we attempt to do. Yet, amid the mess, we find the highest joys of relationship and ministry.
- Timothy Lane
Genesis 2 is not speaking primarily to Adam's experience of being lonely as much as it is revealing his nature as the person God created him to be. Because God created a communal being—someone designed for relationships—creation is incomplete without a suitable companion.
- Timothy Lane
Forgiveness Is Costly, But Not Forgiving Is More Costly
- Timothy Lane
Real change does not take place until it is visible in our lives and our relationships.
- Timothy Lane
The reason we know this is true is because the word "helper" is often used to describe God's relationship with his people.
- Timothy Lane
Though we are to be wise, we are not to fear the world in which God has placed us. Yes, things will get messy. But if you are humbled by the messiness of sin in your own life, yet confident in God's grace to change you, you will not be afraid to get close to other sinners who need that same grace. God will use the messiness you encounter in others to spur your own growth in the gospel.
- Timothy Lane
An entrenched refusal to forgive is a sign that you have not known God's amazing forgiveness yourself.
- Timothy Lane
Christ reveals that the what and the why are shaped by the heart. Therefore, if we hope to transform the way we talk with one another, the heart must change first.
- Timothy Lane
So God is not addressing Adam's workload, but rather the fact that he is a social being who lacks a suitable companion.
- Timothy Lane